GOOG Stock & Profits Drop: Webmasters: Panda & Penguin Related?

Published by Admin on October 19th, 2012 - in SEO

I am sure virtually all of you saw the news that Google’s stock price (GOOG) dropped tremendously yesterday after the earnings release was leaked and it showed a 20% drop in profits.

What is typical webmaster reaction to Google earnings calls? The reaction of those webmasters who do not own stock, that is. The reaction of those webmasters who were hit by a recent Google update, like Penguin or Panda? Most are rejoicing.

Here is one comment from a WebmasterWorld user:

I’m loving this!

Why did Google not perform well last quarter? Webmasters will say because Google’s search results are less relevant, driving less searches and less clicks on ads. Well, the earnings release says that paid clicks were up 33%.

In any event, why do you think Google’s earnings dropped from a webmaster perspective. Go at it in the comments but please use G-rated words.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld, DigitalPoint Forums & Google Webmaster Help.

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GOOG Stock & Profits Drop: Webmasters: Panda & Penguin Related?
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