Leonard charged with possession, trafficking

Published by Todd Herman on March 9th, 2013 - in Canada SEO Professional Ltd.

Tom_Bom 3/9/2013 10:52:36 AM Report

When will we come together as a sensible group of adults and learn, that marijuana is not the problem. in a census sent out, more than half the Canadian population admitted to having used it in their life time. Does half of Canada deserve to go to jail?

Prohibition is the drug problem, because instead of the government selling it and taxing the butt off of it and making money, they leave it in the hands of organized crime who then profit off it. If marijuana was legalized today, organized crime would be crippled, we’d have more money to give to the police force to take them down, and society would be a lot better off.

According to the Surgeon Generals report, 0 people have ever died from a Pot overdose as it is physically impossible. It is far less harmfull than alcohol and tobacco, and science is discovering that it has anti cancer properties.

Why can’t we all get together and lobby for legalization, benefit from the tax money, cripple organized crime, and stop demonizing the drug and making it into something it’s not?

I haven’t partaken since highschool which was years ago, but anyone with a good head on their shoulders knows that right now its easier to get pot than it is alcohol, because its readily available and organized crime doesn’t put an age limit on it. If it were legalized, we could put an age limit on it, get it out of the hands of our children, and let responsible adults over the age of 19 decide if they want to partake or not.

The war on drugs will never end, but legalizing marijuana would be a huge step forward it dealing it a huge blow, and thus dealing organized crime a huge blow as well, taking away their biggest cash crop.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. Also i’m betting they’re overpricing what they’ve found to make it seem like a bigger deal than it is, and less of a waste of tax payer dollars than it actually is.

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