Archive for March, 2012

Google Cracking Down on “Unnatural” Links, Deindexing Blog Networks

Published by Todd Herman on March 30th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

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Seo Company – Much of the search marketing industry is up in arms over notifications from Google Webmaster Tools warning users that they’ve fallen from Google’s graces and should be on the lookout for “artificial or unnatural links… that could be used to manipulate PageRank”.

What began as a ripple back in February has become a tidal wave of discontent and alarm as more report receiving the notices.

The hardest hit so far, if you can judge by the buzz on the web, are blog networks like BuildMyRank (which is actually shutting down). It’s unclear whether it’s an algorithmic update or manual penalty, but it’s likely not a coincidence that Google recently discussed the deindexing of web hosting services earlier this month. Where Panda set out to rid the web of mass-produced, low quality content, this latest action from Google seems designed to sniff out unnatural backlink profiles and those responsible.

The “unnatural” distinction is an important one, as until now, SEOs and webmasters have largely been discouraged from creating paid links. Especially since the JCPenney debacle, we all know, inside the search industry and out, that buying links is bad, bad news.

In a 2008 interview with Eric Enge, Google Web Spam Czar Matt Cutts talked about link building – specifically, how to do it ethically and within Google’s guidelines. In fact, over the years, Cutts has shared link building tips often; see the Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel for examples. Some of the strategies he recommends are original research, creating controversy, and using humor. Still, it’s all about the content.

Recent events seem almost a fundamental shift in the way Google perceives inbound links; they’re now saying not only can you not buy them, you can’t try to build at all. Of course, Google is predictably tight-lipped about what it is, exactly, that has relegated the offending sites to the wrist-slap list. That means that, as usual, we can only take best guesses.

The theory I think holds the most water is Frank Watson’s, who contributed to this article. It does seem that this round of penalizations and deindexing incidents is the result of Google’s sniffing out large quantities of unnatural anchor text alone.

For example, an unnatural link profile for a flower shop might look like: 1,000 links with the brand name as the anchor text; 3,500 links using “buy flowers online”; 5,000 links using “order flowers online,” etc. You would expect more links to use the brand name as anchor text; large quantities of links using very specific, high search volume terms, even more than the name of the business, could be a red flag. This is the kind of profile that might signal a stinker to Google.

Any objections I’ve seen over how easy a straight anchor text flag is for competitors to abuse have been pooh-poohed, as in, “People should just focus on their own sites,” or “No one is going to waste their time doing that.” Oh yes, yes they will. It happens often.

It doesn’t seem as though those who have received the notices have suffered greatly… yet. In their closing announcement, BuildMyRank gave clients the option of deleting all of their links. By all accounts, they seem to have handled the situation as best they could. And for their clients, getting rid of those links is probably the most logical option.

Yet, others are panicking and freaking out in a rush to dump links they got from blog networks. Little birdies are whispering that Google has offered to go light on those who give up the name of the SEO company  who developed their nasty links. Whether or not that’s true, it might be a bad idea to either get rid of a chunk of your link profile before you have to, or throw a company under the bus without firsthand knowledge of whether they were the problem.

Google does have a way of inciting panic, and it’s no wonder… so many rely on them for organic traffic to drive a large portion of their revenue (and therein lies your first mistake). If the knee-jerk reaction to Google’s sending out warning notifications is that everyone and their brother runs out to file reports and beg for mercy, or to go so far as trying to delete backlinks, hasn’t Google saved themselves a lot of work!

Unnatural links, paid links… obviously they’re not going to pay off in the grand scheme of things. But before you jump on the bandwagon, ask yourself if you can handle the immediate drop in rankings and possibly traffic if you delete a bunch of backlinks. Or should you stop, breathe, plan, and try something new to build up some volume of backlinks before pulling plug on any that might be deemed “unnatural?” SEO company

Tags: Gogle crackdown, Miranda Miller

Search Engine Marketing Articles – SEO

Published by Todd Herman on March 27th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Creating articles for a website is one of the trends when it comes to online marketing today, but it is not as simple as writing an article and posting it on the web. There are still many considerations that must be anticipated in order to have your article or website be noticed, placed on top of the lists when someone searched for it and be read by millions of readers worldwide. Bloggers or web companies aim for this in order to yield better return of investment in the form of advertising; so the more their articles as well as advertisements are introduced into the market, the better earnings they will accumulate.

For that matter, search engine optimized content or SEO is very crucial when it comes to increasing the visibility of an article or website in a search engine. Of course, you will want to put your website on top of the list. In that case, you have to know some of the best SEO marketing strategies to help you attain this goal. The first thing you may want to do is distinguish which article topics will gain more interest for the visitors. There are some websites that offer trending topics for the market to help you choose and decide more appropriately. Some suggests using larger niches like weight loss or parenting especially for new users. These types of contents are more commonly searched online and thus will have a higher chance of becoming more visible. Otherwise, you can search for other informative SEO topics that appeal to larger audiences through magazines, or you may research for products that are most in demand to consumer today so you know what sort of SEO content you should target. In short, you have to find out which problems or issues would capture wide variety of audiences for your SEO articles.

Nevertheless, marketing articles does not only include finding the best  SEO topics for your website, there are other necessary techniques that should be done in order to put an emphasis to the content placed in the internet. One of the most effective SEO techniques you can apply is keyword stuffing. This involves putting several distinctive keywords within the article. These keywords should include words or phrase that the internet users are more likely to type in the search engine toolbar when searching for specific information. Additionally, you have to update your SEO content from time to time in order to maintain your ranking online. This can be done by creating variety of informative SEO articles about your chosen topic. Most search engines such as Google are able to evaluate new SEO contents in a website and put them or prioritize them more than the older entries. Sustaining and continuously updating your SEO contents is important because thousands of websites are added everyday on the internet.

Because of great competition among websites today, effective marketing SEO will allow your site to rank competitively among others. Therefore, finding the best SEO topics in order to create a content that will attract more attention to internet users in addition to other SEO strategies can help you sustain your website online.


Video Producer Regina Saskatchewan Multimedia Advertizing Professional

Published by Todd Herman on March 5th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Out of Regina Saskatchewan, Creerunner Communications Ltd. is a high quality audio video producer Regina and  professional multimedia advertizing Regina. Creerunner specializes in communications strategies and Desktop Publishing. Visit: for more valuable information.

Tags: Advertizing, Multimedia, , Regina, Saskatchewan, Video Producer
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