Archive for February, 2012

New SEO Process

Published by Todd Herman on February 23rd, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Opportunity Discovery – Opportunity Discovery is a cyclical process of understanding brand opportunity with regard to business goals, target audience, industry specifications and past performance. It’s cyclical in that insights from one step often refine insights from another step in the process.

  • Business Objectives Everything must be done within the context of the goals of the brand. This requires a deep understanding of where the brand has been and where it’s going. In many cases businesses large and small may not understand how to translate their goals and therefore it is the job of the Inbound Marketer to do so.
  • Market Research The reason why SEO gets such a bad rap for polluting the web is that so many people simply do not build content that is worthwhile or has utility for the market. At this point, the entire team must take a deep dive into the industry and be able to have more than cursory conversations on the subject matter. For those that believe this to be a largely arduous task I suggest specializing in verticals of interest.
  • Audience Research –The Facebook Ads tool is the Adwords Keyword Tool of personas. The Doubleclick Ad Planner is also good for understanding the demographics of existing sites. If available, Facebook Insights gives demographic data on the existing users visiting the site as well. The output of this is a set of user segments and stories or – personas.
  • Analytics Mining – As always, you should mine existing analytics data to understand who is visiting. Take deep dives into keyword performance, especially in concert with any internal Search data, to identify opportunities. All in all, this is no different than normal unless the client has already been tracking their audience at which point you can see if who they are trying to attract is actually coming or not.
  • Social Listening – Using a core set of keywords, collect data on the conversation around those keywords. Keep track of patterns and identify user segments, demographics and need states of the people partaking in that social conversation. You’ll also want to keep track of how these users are using the keywords as this will allow you to eliminate ambiguity in keyword decisions and help to create messaging that resonates with the audience during the customer decision journey.
  • Quantitative Analysis – Services such as ComScore, Quantcast, Forrester Research, etc. track a multitude of data points on users in various verticals by demographic. Leveraging these reports gives you deeper insight into what types of users visit your competitors and exist within the market.
  • Keyword Research – Keyword Research must be completed with regard to the audience not just a determination of whether the keyword is viable from a search volume standpoint, but whether the keyword intent matches the business goals. Keywords should then be correlated with target personas and need states to help drive the build of content that is optimized for people first and search engines second.
  • Site Audit – Under the New SEO Process the Site Audit becomes decidedly more comprehensive, as it covers UX issues that would normally fall into a CRO Audit. Specifically, the audit talks about things impeding the conversions due to incongruence with the target audience in addition to the standard SEO technical issues that it covers.
  • Asset Inventory – A standard practice SEOs are already doing wherein there is an understanding of what a brand controls and is willing to leverage to the benefit of the campaign.
  • Content Audit – What content inside our outside of the site can be leveraged?
  • Brand Relationships – What other companies, businesses, groups and events are the brand involved with?
  • Offline Assets – What tools, venues, prizes, etc. are at the brands disposal?
  • Competitive Analysis – As always, competitive analysis is a collection of high-level audits of competitors across the vertical. The difference is that since site audits are completed with regard to the audience, the competitive analysis must also include a determination of how other brands are capturing that audience.
  • Measurement Planning –A standard practice amongst analytics teams the Measurement Plan is the Statement of Intent and determination of Key Performance Indicators with regard to the business goals and audience. Avinash Kaushik covers measurement planning in his Digital Marketing and Measurement Model post. (Hat tip: @scotttdodge)
  • Content Strategy & Development – Content Strategy and Development are big picture initiatives with a variety of stakeholders, so it often carries with it the most pushback. Creative teams just want to take big swings for big ideas and brand managers just want to advertise. To be effective we have to show how our content ideas will connect with the brand’s target audience and make sure content is designed to our specification.
  • Content Ideation –With all this social data we have collected and correlated to keywords we can now come with ideas for content with portions of the target audience built-in. Do so.
  • Wireframes – are an early deliverable in the design phase of a website wherein we can annotate considerations for SEO and CRO to ensure that Creative teams design with both in mind. Be very involved in this phase.
  • Content Build – Once all your points are baked in, it’s time to let the Creatives do what they do. If they come back with creative is not congruent with what is agreed upon in an earlier phase, then you now have data to back up your position with the client.
  • Technical Development –Technical SEO is the price of admission and cannot be ignored, so this where we make sure that the structure of the house is sound.
  • Technical Build –At this point, we’ve done all we can do now we just wait to see what the tech teams come back with. We’ve specified everything in wireframes and hopefully have had some say in the build of the CMS, but the tech team is going to do what they know. We’re just going to have to wait to see what they come back with unless they are open to our input during the actual build.
  • Implementation Audit – We’ll always have to double-check the work of a technical team and this is the spreadsheet in which we do it. An implementation audit briefly recounts the issues outlined in the site audit and wireframes and says whether or not they were successfully implemented. This is the easiest way to show that the bottlenecks are not so much with the SEO team but the tech team – as they oftentimes are.
  • Social Strategy – Typically link building is an initiative that exists by itself, in the new SEO process link building is an initiative that must be completed as part of a broader scope. While it is clear that low quality tactics like blog commenting continue to work, even those are far more effective coupled with a social push across PR and social media. Leveraged strategically, you are launching a piece of content with a cross-channel marketing push and therefore the link velocity will appear more natural to search engines and the return on the social strategy is likely to be higher. While link building has always been about casting the widest net, social strategy is about casting the rightest net the widest. I just made up a word. Kanye approves.
  • Link Strategy – Link building for most businesses, particularly small businesses, is not an “if you build it, they will come” situation. Therefore it is not enough to just launch content and hope for the best, we must continue to supplement content launches with smaller complementary content launches, outreach and manual submission link building. This is where this strategy is defined with its own measurement plan. Yes, I’m saying we should report both our prospects and the links we close. If you’re proud of your work that shouldn’t be a problem. Link Building is just like a PR campaign in that there is no guarantee of placements and should be explained as such.
  • PR – News is better than advertising, so a key part of social strategy is doing things that make news. Users spend a large part of their day reading, sharing and linking to news so make it a large part of the social strategy to make sure that content is newsworthy and get it to the news outlets that your audience frequents.
  • Contests – Contests are an excellent way to get a one-to-many return on incentives. Rather than performing outreach and directly offering them a free sample or (gasp) money request that they enter a contest wherein their entry is a blog post about the brand’s topic that contains a link. Also add a layer of gameplay to the contest by determining the winner through the number of times their post is shared in social media. Unbounce had a similar blogging contest in 2011 but link building wasn’t the goal of the campaign so they had all the posts on their own site.
  • Events – Throwing a party, conference or trade show is another one-to-many return for link building. Simply host an event and invite influencers in the brand’s audience where the stipulation for attendance is that people must blog about it and link back to you.
  • Social Media – is a two way street. Not only is it a place for discovery but also a place for conversation. Use that conversation to find the influencers in the space with regard to the target audience and business goals. Build social media profiles to be authoritative and engaging to easily get your content shared and also convert sharers into linkers. Regardless of where Google is headed, the social graph will never completely replace the link graph.
  • Social Implementation – is the phase when you let it all rip for the best synergy.
  • Measurement – is not just about whether or not we hit the goals. It’s the insights into why that makes measurement the most valuable step in Online Marketing. Measuring with regard to the audience helps with understanding the why even further than speaking in concrete abstracts such as bounce rate of a keyword. After all the ability to tangibly measure is why digital marketing is far more effective than traditional.
  • Reporting – is tailored specifically to the goals of the client. There’s no one-size-fit-all report. For example, a client business goal may be to get user segment A to watch a video and therefore, the primary metrics reported should be the Time On Site and persona type versus traffic and keyword. Rankings are only important with regard to how they’ve affected traffic. Everything should be focused on who (persona A) and why (because the message is unclear) rather than what (“blue widgets for sale ranked #5”).
  • Link Reporting – Under the umbrella of social strategy there is a lot to be said about what has been done to increase visibility. Aggregate rankings should be reported with regard to link building efforts to show the direct correlation between the two. Furthermore, link prospects and closes should also be reported with close rates to show clients what is being done on their behalf. This is obviously a subject of contention within the community, but if the links you build are so suspect that you are afraid to show them to the people you’re building them for – you need a different approach.
  • Optimization – I had an art teacher once that always used to say “No work of art is ever finished, we just give up.” The art and science of SEO is never complete and there is always an opportunity to do more.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization – While CRO is far more baked into this strategy it still likely to take its own seat at the table. That is to say that while SEOs may also be CROs they may be too close to the project to properly optimize. This is much the same way that the mixing engineer of a song is not supposed to also be the mastering engineer. At this point, a separate CRO Team should run A/B Tests, Usability Tests and so on and report back.
  • Continued SEO – Do it all over again!

The author’s posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Canada SEO Profesional LTD.

Website design guidelines for SEO

Published by Todd Herman on February 23rd, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Website design and content guidelines for SEO

  • Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link.
  • Offer a site map to your users with links that point to the important parts of your site. If the site map has an extremely large number of links, you may want to break the site map into multiple pages.
  • Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number.
  • Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content.
  • Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it.
  • Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Google crawler doesn’t recognize text contained in images. If you must use images for textual content, consider using the “ALT” attribute to include a few words of descriptive text.
  • Make sure that your <title> elements and ALT attributes are descriptive and accurate.
  • Check for broken links and correct HTML.
  • If you decide to use dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a “?” character), be aware that not every search engine spider crawls dynamic pages as well as static pages. It helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few.
  • Review our recommended best practices for images and video.
Technical guidelines
  • Use a text browser such as Lynx to examine your site, because most search engine spiders see your site much as Lynx would. If fancy features such as JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash keep you from seeing all of your site in a text browser, then search engine spiders may have trouble crawling your site.
  • Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that track their path through the site. These techniques are useful for tracking individual user behavior, but the access pattern of bots is entirely different. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your site, as bots may not be able to eliminate URLs that look different but actually point to the same page.
  • Make sure your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header. This feature allows your web server to tell Google whether your content has changed since we last crawled your site. Supporting this feature saves you bandwidth and overhead.
  • Make use of the robots.txt file on your web server. This file tells crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. Make sure it’s current for your site so that you don’t accidentally block the Googlebot crawler. Visit to learn how to instruct robots when they visit your site. You can test your robots.txt file to make sure you’re using it correctly with the robots.txt analysis tool available in Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Make reasonable efforts to ensure that advertisements do not affect search engine rankings. For example, Google’s AdSense ads and DoubleClick links are blocked from being crawled by a robots.txt file.
  • If your company buys a content management system, make sure that the system creates pages and links that search engines can crawl.
  • Use robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages that don’t add much value for users coming from search engines.
  • Test your site to make sure that it appears correctly in different browsers.
  • Monitor your site’s performance and optimize load times. Google’s goal is to provide users with the most relevant results and a great user experience. Fast sites increase user satisfaction and improve the overall quality of the web (especially for those users with slow Internet connections), and we hope that as webmasters improve their sites, the overall speed of the web will improve also if you get a seo or seo company. Google strongly recommends that all webmasters regularly monitor site performance using Page Speed, YSlow, WebPagetest, or other tools. For more information, tools, and resources, see Let’s Make The Web Faster. In addition, the Site Performance tool in Webmaster Tools shows the speed of your website as experienced by users around the world.
Quality guidelines

These quality guidelines cover the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior, but Google may respond negatively to other misleading practices not listed here (e.g. tricking users by registering misspellings of well-known websites). It’s not safe to assume that just because a specific deceptive technique isn’t included on this page, Google approves of it. Webmasters who spend their energies upholding the spirit of the basic principles will provide a much better user experience and subsequently enjoy better ranking than those who spend their time looking for loopholes they can exploit.

If you believe that another site is abusing Google’s quality guidelines, please report that site at Google prefers developing scalable and automated solutions to problems, so we attempt to minimize hand-to-hand spam fighting. The spam reports we receive are used to create scalable algorithms that recognize and block future spam attempts.

Quality guidelines – basic principles

  • Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines. Don’t deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users, which is commonly referred to as “cloaking.”
  • Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether you’d feel comfortable explaining what you’ve done to a website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, “Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn’t exist?”
  • Don’t participate in link schemes designed to increase your site’s ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or “bad neighborhoods” on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.
  • Don’t use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google.

Quality guidelines – specific guidelines

  • Avoid hidden text or hidden links.
  • Don’t use cloaking or sneaky redirects.
  • Don’t send automated queries to Google.
  • Get a seo or seo company
  • Don’t load pages with irrelevant keywords.
  • Don’t create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.
  • Don’t create pages with malicious behavior, such as phishing or installing viruses, trojans, or other badware.
  • Avoid “doorway” pages created just for search engines, or other “cookie cutter” approaches such as affiliate programs with little or no original content.
  • If your site participates in an affiliate program, make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
Tags: content, design, guidelines, ,

SEO Factors & Trends Report 2012

Published by Todd Herman on February 22nd, 2012 - in SEO Company

Yet another year has passed in the SEO industry, and if you thought 2010 was busy, 2011 has proven once again that the SEO company industry is changing more rapidly year over year.

Of course, the key highlights of 2011 were Panda, Mobile and Google+. This year’s SEO report also covers the rise of Facebook and the increased importance of social signals for rankings, fresher and richer search results, improved indexation of the Web by Google and the Yahoo/Bing integration.

2011 was the year of a much smarter Web, an increasingly competitive social media space, and tremendously positive results for those who followed a white hat SEO approach.

Smarter Web

As the Web gets smarter, websites are changing and tailoring their content to users. Websites today integrate geo-localisation features and social platforms, adapt to user devices and change content based on user behaviour.

Search engines respond to this fast-moving environment by constantly releasing new features. These new developments have brought increased challenges to SEO company across the globe as they constantly adapt to these new technologies.

Far from dying, optimising websites for search engines has become a much-needed advanced expert skill that requires deep technical knowledge of websites, social media, conversion rate optimisation, servers and mobile devices.

We are indeed moving into an Internet Marketing Optimisation era.

Social Media Showdown

2011 witnessed the beginning of a social media tussle between Web giants Google and Facebook. Each with their own unique approach, they have deeply influenced the way we consume the Web by modifying our search behaviour.

Google released its +1 button, followed by Google+, the Google+ business pages, and finally Search, plus Your World (or Search Plus for short), all of which demonstrate a significant commitment to social.

The +1 appears as a clear direct competitor to the Facebook Like button, especially when +1s become public followed links. Google’s +1s can have a direct effect on organic rankings, especially in the new Search Plus SERPs.

Google+ is a hybrid product, competing with both private and public social worlds. Some argue it is best used as the internal chat room for Google employees, others see it as a serious competitor to Facebook and Twitter, especially with deep, bold, and controversial integration like Search Plus.

With Google’s more than prominent spot in the online advertising industry, many companies are making Google+ their next Internet marketing strategy priority for 2012. We have yet to see how successful Google+ will become in 2012, but until then, companies can’t afford not to be on board, it’s a defensive strategy before anything else.

Facebook has changed numerous features so that now, we hardly recognise the Facebook of 2010, pushing its off-site integration to gain real-estate in the social graph. With the release of the new layout, “Timeline,” the update of comments, the new social graph, the integration with Skype and massive development of its gazillion apps, it’s needless to say Facebook currently leads the charge, as far as the social media war goes.

The new Facebook layout has reduced the emphasis on the different tabs users had in their news feeds to give more predominance to the actual feed itself. This has one major consequence for Facebook publishers: the crucial need to maintain high engagement at the risk of getting buried under the Facebook EdgeRank filters.

The Importance of White Hat SEO

As some of you may know, we have always preached White Hat SEO at Canada SEO Professional Ltd, and while it does bring some level of frustration when we witness clear link spam on vanity keywords with few penalties whatsoever, we do still collect the benefits of our White Hat, long term strategy by applying these principles on our clients’ sites.

Even though Google took swift, demonstrable action in 2011 to downgrade search rankings for high-profile sites, such as J.C. Penney and Google’s own Chrome team, we are still awaiting the long-promised global take-down of great listings from non-White Hat practices.

Another good outcome was the release of Panda and the fresher Web, which had a positive effect on those who have invested so much time, effort and money in creating regular, unique and quality content. Once again, their efforts have been rewarded in the long run.

Finally, the efforts taken to enrich websites with structured mark-ups has improved click-through rates significantly, reducing the dependency on rankings through internally controlled factors. The same goes for other conversion efforts that have improved bounce rate thanks to a better preview and user experience, improving the relevance score from a search engine perspective.

SEO in 2012

In 2012, the focus is on the users:

  • Serve them awesome content regularly.
  • Increase the number of touch points with them by integrating with social platforms.
  • Spend time creating advanced, cross-platform user-engagement strategies.
  • Allow them access to your information wherever they are through mobile sites and apps.
  • Make their lives easier by facilitating their access to your information, products and services.
  • Reinforce your local presence and geo-location services.

by Martin Orliac, February 21, 2012

Tags: , Factors, Report, , SEO Factors & Trends Report 2012, Trends

Two Google+ SEO Guides You Should Read

Published by Todd Herman on February 16th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

The conventional wisdom where Google+ and online marketing goes is this: Even if your audience isn’t active there, it’s almost mandatory to have a profile and be active there because of the way Google is showing more Google+ content in its regular search results.

It’s still early days for Google+ and the potential search/SEO benefits of being active there, but there are two recently published guides that go a long way to helping explain what Google is doing and how search marketers (and their clients) can take advantage.

On the Conversation Marketing blog, Ian Lurie yesterday published a lengthy article called Google Plus Box Ranking Factors Report. In it, he investigates (with help from a few dozen industry peers) how Google+ profiles show up in the Related People and Pages from Google+ search results of Google’s “Search Plus Your World” feature.

Here are some of the takeaways:

  • Fresh content matters: Google+ profiles with no posts within the last 72 hours don’t show up in the “Related People/Pages” section of Google’s search results
  • Pages can matter more than profiles: Brand pages with a few thousand followers/circlers can appear in “Related People/Pages” ahead of individual profiles with a million or more followers/circlers
  • +1s matter: Lurie says that profiles/pages that get a lot of +1s on their posts tend to show up more often in the “Related People/Pages” results
  • Comments and reshares don’t matter as much as +1s in helping to influence who/what shows up in “Related People/Pages”
  • Reach/follower count matter a lot

On a similar note, AJ Kohn recently published an article he called The Ultimate Google+ SEO Guide. This article is almost a month old now, and that may explain why it draws some different conclusions about why certain pages and profiles show up in’s “Related Pages/People” section.

In addition to looking at how Google+ pages and profiles rank there, Kohn also investigates possible ranking considerations when searching inside Google+ itself, i.e., what factors influence the search results if you type “SEO” into the Google+ search box and want to look for relevant users. Some of the takeaways on that topic are:

  • The search term must appear in one of these sections of your profile: Introduction, Employment, Education or Places. For example, Danny Sullivan didn’t show up in Google+ searches for “SEO” until he added that keyword into the Introduction section of his Google+ profile.
  • Using the keyword in more than one of those fields helps.
  • The “Occupation” field isn’t used.
  • There’s already a fair amount of spamming of these profile fields happening.

Kohn’s article also examines possible reasons why certain Google+ content shows up in the “Search Plus Your World” results on

Together, these are two Google+ SEO guides that I think you’ll want to read and bookmark. Here are the links again to save you the hassle of scrolling up.

And if you need more on this topic, I’ll add that there’s a panel dedicated to SEO for Google+ at our SMX West conference, which is less than two weeks away.

Feb 15, 2012 at 10:30am ET by | SEO Company

Tags: SEO Guides, Two Google+

2012 Automotive Marketing for Your Corporation

Published by Todd Herman on February 12th, 2012 - in Canada SEO Professional Ltd.

Hiring some one to do your Automotive Marketing {might|may|may possibly|may well|could possibly} is the best decisions that you will ever make for your company. I say this because it all depends on the type of research that you have done. You need to hire a Automotive SEO company that has a high reputation and {experience|encounter|expertise|knowledge|practical experience} in this difficult {field|area|subject|discipline}. SEO is not a stroll in the park. You need to get high {ranking|rating}s for many vital {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms} to get more leads, sales and traffic. Hiring a SEO firm will allow you to focus your {effort|work} in the core {aspects|elements|factors|facets|features} of your organization. Automotive Retailer Marketing will make sure that your website loads fast and is SEO optimized. This way, you will get high {ranking|rating}s for a lot of {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms} too. They will make sure that most of your {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms} are {highly|extremely|very|hugely|really} relevant for the {products|goods|items|merchandise|solutions} and services that you {offer|provide|supply|offer you|present}. These {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms} must have low competition too. This way, you will get fast traffic and more leads or sales in a short period from doing Automotive Marketing. You {should|ought to|really should|need to|must} also ask for references about the ethics and {quality|high quality|top quality|good quality|excellent} of any SEO firm.

Getting {testimonials|testimonies|recommendations} from past customers is one of the best things you can do to find out the {truth|reality|fact} {behind|at the rear of|powering} the services of these Automotive Search Engine Optimization . It is also important to read reviews of these firms in {online|on the web|on the internet|on-line|on the net} {forums|boards}. They must also show you proof of their {ranking|rating}s for their past clients. {please|make sure you|satisfy} ask them about the date that they {started|began|started out} to work with these clients. If they have many {websites|web sites|internet sites|sites|internet websites} that have {years|many years} in the top ten {results|outcomes|{final|ultimate|last|closing} results|benefits} for many very competitive {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms}, then you {might|may|may possibly|may well|could possibly} be thinking about hiring them. You can find many {quality|high quality|top quality|good quality|excellent} SEO companies in New York, India and other cities. {However|Nevertheless|Nonetheless|Even so|Having said that|however}, {please|make sure you|satisfy} do your homework and know who you are dealing with. The {workers|employees|staff} of an Automotive SEO company  must be {experts|specialists|professionals|authorities} in their {field|area|subject|discipline}. {please|make sure you|satisfy} ask them about the {experience|encounter|expertise|knowledge|practical experience} of their staff and anything you {might|may|may possibly|may well|could possibly} have in your mind to find out what they can do for you. They must also show you that they have the most cutting-edge {tools|instruments|equipment} to do their job. They also must {offer|provide|supply|offer you|present} money back {guarantee|assure}. You {should|ought to|really should|need to|must} also pay only for {results|outcomes|{final|ultimate|last|closing} results|benefits}.

If a Auto Dealer SEO tells you that they can {guarantee|assure} you top ten {ranking|rating}s, {please|make sure you|satisfy} go away. They cannot {guarantee|assure} you any kind of {ranking|rating} for any particular keyword because this is a {secret|magic formula|key|solution|technique} of the search engines. They only can {guarantee|assure} you that they will get you free and {targeted|specific|focused} traffic for you particular {keywords|key phrases|search phrases|keywords and phrases|key terms} using search engines and other {websites|web sites|internet sites|sites|internet websites}. They must also show you strategies to get visitors from pay per click, pay per view, {social|sociable} {Networking|Social networking|networking} and bookmarking sites, email marketing, ezines, affiliates and so on. They must also provide you web design and web {development|improvement|advancement|growth|progress} services too. This way, you will have many services that you can take advantage of right away. If you want to know more about how to hire the right Auto Dealer SEO  firm, you can go to this website too.

Tags: , Automotive Dealer SEO, Automotive Marketing, Automotive Retailer Marketing, Automotive Search Engine Optimization, Automotive SEO

SOPA are using backdoors to pass SOPA-style laws!

Published by Todd Herman on February 9th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Together, we beat SOPA in a huge victory for internet freedom.  But this Saturday, internet freedom protests are breaking out in over 200 cities across Europe.  Why?

Because the companies behind SOPA are using international trade agreements as a backdoor to pass SOPA-style laws

SOPA’s supporters are pushing two agreements: ACTA and TPP1.  ACTA would criminalize users, encourage internet providers to spy on you, and make it easier for media companies to sue sites out of existence and jail their founders.  Sound familiar?  That’s right, ACTA is from the same playbook as SOPA, but global.  Plus it didn’t even have to pass through Congress2.

TPP goes even farther than ACTA, and the process has been even more secretive and corrupt.  Last weekend (we wish this was a joke) trade negotiators partied with MPAA (pro-SOPA) lobbyists before secret negotiations in a Hollywood hotel, while public interest groups were barred from meeting in the same building.3

Trade agreements are a gaping loophole, a secretive backdoor track that–even though it creates new laws–is miles removed from democracy.  Trade negotiators are unelected and unaccountable, so these agreements have been very hard for internet rights groups to stop.

But now the tide is turning.  Fueled by the movement to stop SOPA, anti-ACTA protests are breaking out across the EU, which hasn’t ratified ACTA.  The protests are having an impact: leaders in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia have backtracked on ACTA.4  Now a massive round of street protests in over 200 cities is planned for this Saturday February 11th.

We’re planning an online protest this Saturday to support the protests in the streets.  Why?  Because together we can drive millions of emails to key decision makers–and start tipping the scales like we did on SOPA.

Can you take part?  Click here to get the code to run on your site!

We just built an ACTA & TPP contact tool, and it’s not just a petition.   It’s code for your site that figures out the visitor’s country and lets them email all their Members of European Parliament–the politicians who will be voting on ACTA in June–or the trade negotiators behind TPP.  This direct contact between voters and their officials, driven by websites of all sizes, was instrumental in the fight against SOPA.

We can use the same tactics to defeat ACTA & TPP, but we need your help!

Support the street protests with a flood of emails to the officials responsible for ACTA & TPP.  Get the code for your website!

Don’t have a website?  Tell officials in your country to scrap ACTA & TPP!   And spread the word about Saturday’s protests!

This is going to be tough fight.  But we need to make secretive trade agreements harder to pass than US law.  If we don’t, our internet’s future belongs to the lobbyists behind SOPA.

This is just the beginning,

–Holmes Wilson, Tiffiniy Cheng, Joshua Blount & the whole Fight for the Future team.

P.S. This map of ACTA street protests in Europe is amazing. The largest has almost 50,000 RSVP’s!


1. For more information on ACTA, read these excellent articles from Techdirt and La Quadrature du Net. For information on TPP, read this Ars Technica piece. For video, watch this.

2. Obama’s signing of ACTA may have been unconstitutional. See Anti-counterfeiting agreement raises constitutional concerns and Techdirt.

3. Hollywood gets to party with TPP negotiators, public interest groups get thrown out of the hotel.

4. Ars Technica: Czech, Slovak governments backing away from ACTA, too.

Global SEO Company, International SEO Company

Published by Todd Herman on February 7th, 2012 - in Global Information Network

For many of their clients, the option to earn a living is becoming more and more available, thanks to Global SEO company Global SEO Studios. As such, there are so many internet companies that have been set up to allow people all over the world the luxury to make money. One good way of doing this is with a professional search engine optimization,  Global SEO company and  International SEO Company . Not too many people know about this affordable, industry leading Global SEO company but is gaining in popularity. There are so many good things one can gain from this, which makes the venture worth it. Not to be exclusive or anything, but this International SEO Company that has a joining protocol. You have to be a member of the  Global SEO company in order to make money and work from home.

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Proven SEO company

Published by Todd Herman on February 7th, 2012 - in SEO Company

Canada SEO Professional Ltd. has proven SEO results and is a world wide SEO company. They will generate more business for you provincial, nationally, or globally. You might be starting your campaign or want a tweak to your existing SEO company services or maybe just need some input from an actual website marketing expert.

Tags: , Proven, Proven SEO company,

Maple Ridge Renovations

Published by Todd Herman on February 7th, 2012 - in Canada SEO Professional Ltd.

Ran into a friend the other day and I asked him what he was up to lately. He said he was still, after 27 years owner of a Maple Ridge Renovations company specializing in kitchen, bathrooms and flooring. I told him i might need some work done and asked if he was affordable. He said he has never had a bad referral or complaint yet in over 25 years.  I went by one of their job sites and they seemed very clean and well put together group of hard working guys. I was very pleased with the progress they were making so I hired them to do all my Renovations Maple Ridge. if you are seeking Maple Ridge Renovations  then these guys are the company to call to call because they do it all.

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Tags: Maple, Renovations, Renovations Maple Ridge, Ridge

Unlock the Secrets of LinkedIn

Published by Todd Herman on February 7th, 2012 - in Guest Post SEO

Unlock the Secrets of LinkedIn…By Marla Tabaka

What do the 135 million people and more than seven million companies on LinkedIn know that you don’t?

All too often
I receive resistance when I suggest to a client that she utilize LinkedIn to build vendor, partner, and prospect relationships. But what might first feel like an intimidating pilgrimage into foreign land can result in a journey of growth, connection, and prosperity. All it takes is a little know-how—and the willingness to put yourself out there.

With more than 135 million people and in excess of seven million companies on LinkedIn, we know that it has something to offer any business owner. “All businesses will benefit from a company blog as their primary social media marketing tool,” says Barbara Rozgonyi of WiredPRWorks. “And we recommend LinkedIn as the foundational social network. Whether or not LinkedIn is where you spend most of your social media time, it may be the most important in terms of corporate social equity.”

In fact, according to a study released by Perfomics, nearly 60 percent of people said LinkedIn is the most important social network.

“From optimizing key profiles and outfitting a company page, LinkedIn is the social network that reflects your organization’s pro-social side,” Rozgonyi says. “Once you have your company’s corporate communications foundation in place, you have an anchor strategy to apply throughout your social media marketing system,” she adds.

If you question the value of time spent on LinkedIn, remember that it isn’t just for sharing information and idle chitchat; it’s a great place to check out your competition and find viable prospects. In fact, you can research other companies and set up a list of target companies to track and follow throughout the social media sphere.

To research connections and target customers for business development on LinkedIn, Rozgonyi says that there a few basic things you must know.

  • LinkedIn’s advance search lets you target people, groups, and companies. Here you can type in a search term [skill, certification, industry, company, etc.]. Then, check the filters [location, company size, seniority, etc.] for a more defined search. You’ll see results that include a photo, title, and connection to you—something you can’t get on any other network.
  • Check out LinkedIn’s skills section. Here you can research skills and search terms. You’ll find related terms, people and groups who best match the skill.
  • Make a list of your target companies, go directly to the company site and locate someone you’d like to connect with. Then check to see what LinkedIn groups they belong to, join one of them and send them an invitation based on your common membership. This commonality will increase the odds of your invitation being accepted.

But you’re not the only one out there researching companies. Don’t forget that your customers may want to learn more about you. Where will they go to that? A link to your LinkedIn profile offers more substance than the brief bio that’s probably on your website. Make sure that your profile reflects your accomplishments. “Too often, a flat profile offering only a few lines is what awaits them on LinkedIn,” Rozgonyi warns. “Don’t be that guy!” She reminds us that it’s easy for any company to set up a LinkedIn company page, taking only about 15 minutes.

Once you have set up your company page think about how you can integrate LinkedIn throughout your sales and marketing strategy. Rozgonyi has the following suggestions:

  • Utilize LinkedIn’s Card Munch app at networking events and on sales calls to connect to your prospects right away. Make sure you offer a free report or something else with value in your invitation to connect.
  • Add LinkedIn’s blog application to your personal profile to pull in company blog updates.
  • Install the slideshare application into your personal profile. Upload a PowerPoint about your company’s services and the presentation will appear on your profile.
  • Invite customers to leave recommendations on the products and services page on your LinkedIn company page.

Like any social media tool, LinkedIn is about creating and nurturing relationships so make sure you put out the welcome mat. “It’s important to be known for being approachable, visible, and helpful in groups by sharing information, leading discussions, and contributing to the conversation,” Rozgonyi says. To achieve this, make a list of people you want to stay in touch with and follow their updates, leaving comments, and engaging in conversation. When you send your invitations, let people know why you want to connect and thank them for their consideration. And when you accept an invitation, offer to answer questions or exchange ideas about your area of expertise.  Ask them a question to get a conversation going, just as you would at a networking event.

You can also add value by selecting articles to share that match your area of influence. Need help finding them? Check out LinkedIn Today. It presents the top shared news by industry which you can click and share with your connections. It’s that easy.

Something else that makes connecting easy is the feature that allows you to ask and answer questions on LinkedIn. This handy section, located under the “more” tab, gives you insights into what people think about the topics you’re interested in. You simply select the category and send a request to people you’d like to hear from. You can use the answers to contribute to a research project, a white paper, or a blog post.

And, according to Rozgonyi, answering questions (also located under the “more” tab) on LinkedIn is a proven strategy for positioning you or your business as the go-to resource in your niche. Like most marketing tactics, the more strategic your answering efforts, the better your results. Just browse the categories and select a few that you want to watch. LinkedIn even helps you decide by suggesting categories for you.  If your answer is selected as the best, thank the person who asked the question for selecting you. To give your answers life beyond LinkedIn, repurpose your comments as a blog post, an article or a feature in your organization’s communications.

Barbara Rozgonzi is living proof that becoming a recognized thought-leader on LinkedIn will give you credibility and visibility. She says that being committed to adding value is the key. “The most successful business development people understand that sales is not about numbers, products, features or closing—it’s about people understanding and improving relationships.”

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