Google Penguin 2.0 Recovery Services

We are experts when it comes to repairing your Google ranking for your Vancouver website after you are affected by the new Google Penguin 2.0 update.

Have you experienced penalization from Google Penguin 2.0?

If so, how much of an impact did it have on you?

Reasonably Priced Google Penalty Analysis and Assessment Services - Are you wondering whether or not your site has been affected by the new Google Penguin 2.0 update? If so, then you will want to start by taking a closer look at your Google Webmaster traffic and other relevant statistics. If you have not been having as many visitors as you used to have, then chances are your page has taken a blow due to this update.

The new Penguin update focuses on minimizing the rankings on Google for the sites that are not following the new Google Webmaster Guidelines. This may include sites that use black hat SEO, off page SEO, linking schemes, automated content submissions and many various techniques used by people to boost their ratings.

Google reported that they sent link warnings in March to the sites that used artificial link building techniques to boost their rankings. If you were one of the sites that received this warning, and you subsequently have noticed lower traffic, then Google has probably blocked traffic from your artificial links.

Google may have flagged your website and penalized you because they felt that you were using unnatural link building techniques. The good news is that we can help you to reclaim your ratings in no time.

Negative Search Engine Optimization:

The concept behind negative SEO is basically referring to instances in which sites are vulnerable to being penalized due to other sites linking to them. While these links have not caused harm in the past, the new updates have made it a challenge for some sites.

What site managers should know is that if their site has good quality content and natural flowing SEO, negative SEO is usually not somethign that will cause an effect long term. We can provide you with the services that you need in order to have effective SEO.

How Can You Recover? A Closer Look at Our Services:

We can help you! Let one of our professionals take a closer look at the content of your site and your Google webmaster tools.

We can help to boost your ratings back up by:

  • Taking a closer look at the content of your site and ensuring that it is not spammy.
  • Analyzing the backlinks to your site
  • Removing bad links that may cause you more damage
  • Creating new links that can be trusted and help to improve your ratings.
  • Analyzing your traffic to your site and using expert skills to optimize your site and get a better ranking

What to Expect?

You can rest assured that your site will be back on track. No matter the reason, you may have experience trouble with your traffic. With our services, you will be able to achieve higher rankings than you had before.

This is a good opportunity for you to get more traffic and ensure that your site is full of rich content that will be valuable to your audience.

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